Are you in the market to buy a new property in the near future? While the market may have had a correction where it is more balanced than in recent years, we are still currently in a seller’s market. Given the competitive landscape that still remains for some buyers, here are four helpful tips to follow when you write your offer.
Consult Your Real Estate Agent
An experienced real estate agent like myself will have the knowledge and experience to best lead you through the offer process. Work on creating your goals and allow your agent to help you achieve them. There can be some strategic planning to work in when you want to have a successful offer.
Respect Your Budget
Every buyer must be prequalified before beginning the offer process. It is imperative to know your budget, be clear on what you can afford to pay and clear on what a lender will give you in the way of a home loan. You should also have a good idea about other important expenses like insurance and taxes so you know the amount that is comfortable for you to afford.
Consider Everything Before Submitting Offer
The market these days is not as fast-paced and red-hot as it was in the recent past. This means you may have the luxury of having a little more time to consider what is important for you to have when you are submitting your offer. You may have more negotiating power than before so chances are you could ask for more of what you want rather than what you think the seller will take. Lean on your agent for the best strategy for the property of interest given the local market conditions.
Negotiate Leveraging Agent’s Expertise
There are more things to negotiate than just the price of the home. It is less common for buyers to skip a home inspection and not ask for concessions from the seller now that the landscape has changed, but you can still negotiate in other ways. These include things like offering attractive closing dates for the seller for you to agree to. Consult your real estate agent for other similar ideas on creative ways that you can craft your particular offer with.